Monday, December 8, 2008

Plane Tickets

You know that feeling whe you have a date? or its christmas morning and you're six years old? or you just finished finals week in college? and all you want to do is smile real big and giggle and jump around and scream and pee your pants and cover your face with your hands because it's all just a little bit too much to HANDLE!? yeah THAT'S HOW I'M FEELING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE


I bought my tickets


HEY, hey, hey HEY! (think the pickle song in little rascals)

They are purchased. I fly from Seattle to New York, New York to Dakar, Senegal (unfortunately it's just for gas, I don't even get to get out of the plane and see all the cool airport people and signs in different languages), and then from Dakar to CAPETOWN. I arrive at 4:30 pm and then I'll probably just wait around for Sue to come in at 10 and then we'll do our darndest to get to bed so we can shake the sure to be RIDICULOUS jetlag. SOUTH AFRICA HERE I COME.

(giggle giggle dance dance)

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