Thursday, March 5, 2009


I have been delinquent in blogging, mainly due to the SAGA it has been to get my internet working on my laptop in my flat. As that hopefully comes to a close this weekend, I give you a sincere apology as to my absence and promise to be better at keeping up with this blog. Things/Life have changed dramatically since I got here, so there is much much MUCH to update you all on once I have some uninterrupted time with my long lost friend the internet. For now, I have a few stolen moments on a computer so I thought I would finally do a quick blog.

After some significant culture shock, I have settled in quite nicely here in Empangeni. Its a small town, but the people are friendly and I have some really great friends. I have taken on the role of House Manager at the children's home, and it is a lot of work. Everything from medication management, staff training, cooking, bottle schedules, donations, and drop ins to bonding with the staff and letting my organization streak (newfound!) have its way with the house. The children are completely magnificent, each with their own personalities and needs and its totally magical to see them grow and learn english and laugh.

Outside of work, I have been somewhat adopted by my "neighbors" the Van Rooyens and they are wonderful. Lizl, 27, is the Occupational Therapist that volunteers to work with our kids. Gerhard is her brother, 24, an architect who has been awesome in his dedication to fixing my computer. My flat is in the driveway (of sorts) of their moms house, where they all currently live, and we get along swimmingly. There door is always open and they make the best dang coffee ever. So of course I was easily sold. :)

I will update more this weekend (with pictures!) and hopefully something a little more witty and entertaining.

Love from Zululand



AndrE said...

you know anne g from oregon?

Claire said...

yes, anne ghena? Yes I do. We are the best of friends, I was recently in her wedding and we lived together in college :) How do you know her?